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创建时间:  2021/12/08  马晓宇   浏览次数:   返回





1. Li M#., Yu B#., Wang S#., Zhou F*., Cui J*., Su J*. (2023). Microenvironment-responsive nanocarriers for targeted bone disease therapy. Nano Today, 50, 101838.

2. Li M#., Ma H#., Han F., Zhai D., Zhang B., Sun Y., Li T., Chen Lei., Wu C .* (2021). Microbially catalyzed biomaterials for bone regeneration. Advanced Materials, 2021, 2104829.

3. Liu H#., Li M#., Zhang T#., Liu X*., Zhang H*., Geng Z*., Su J*. (2022). Engineered bacterial extracellular vesicles for osteoporosis therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 138309.

4. Yu B#., Xue X#., Yin Z#., Cao L*., Li M*., Huang J*. Engineered cell membrane-derived nanocarriers: The Enhanced Delivery System for Therapeutic Applications. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2022, 844050.

5. Jiang Y#., Tao Y#., Chen Y#., Xue X., Ding G., Wang S., Liu G*., Li M*., Su J*. (2022). Role of phosphorus-containing molecules on the formation of nano-sized calcium phosphate for bone therapy. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 875531.

6. Li M., Fang C., Kawasaki S., Huang M., Achal, V.* (2019). Bio-consolidation of cracks in masonry cement mortars byAcinetobactersp. SC4 isolated from a karst cave. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 141:94-100.

7. Li M., Fang C., Kawasaki S., Achal V.* (2018). Fly ash incorporated with biocement to improve strength of expansive soil. Scientific reports, 8(1): 2565.

8. Li M., Zhu X., Mukherjee A., Huang M., Achal V.* (2017). Biomineralization in metakaolin modified cement mortar to improve its strength with lowered cement content. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 329:178-184.

9. Li M., Zhu X., Stephenson W., Huang M., Achal V.* (2016). Complete Genome Sequence of Carbonic Anhydrase ProducingPsychrobactersp. SHUES1. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7.

10. Li M., Fu Q L., Zhang Q., Achal V.*, Kawasaki S. (2015). Bio-grout based on microbially induced sand solidification by means of asparaginase activity. Scientific Reports, 5:16128.




1. Li M., Achal V. (2018) Sustainable Building Materials Guided by Ecological Wisdom to Combat Environmental Issues. Ecological Wisdom Inspired Restoration Engineering, Springer. 2019:177-192

2. Li M., Achal V. Challenges in the area of sustainable construction with microbially induced carbonate precipitation. Mechanics of Structures and Materials XXIV. CRC Press, 2019: 1905-1908.

3. Wei Y., Li M. Mechanisms for Biomaterials Reconstruct Microenvironment in Bone Regeneration. Biomaterials Effect on the Bone Microenvironment: Fabrication, Regeneration, and Clinical Applications, 2023: 129-156.


1. 上海市青年英才启航计划,基于益生菌矿化修饰的表面微纳米结构用于免疫调控成骨,FL18229376, 2022.10-2025.10, 25万,在研,主持

2. 上海市自然科学基金, 微生物诱导构建元素掺杂表面微纳结构及其促进骨组织再生的研究, 22ZR1423400, 2022.4-2025.5, 20, 在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,微生物辅助构建表面微纳结构的3D打印生物陶瓷支架及用于骨组织工程的研究,2020-202220万,主持

4. 中国博士后基金二等资助,微生物辅助表面微纳米化陶瓷支架用于骨组织工程的研究 ,2018.11-2021.55万,主持

